The Story of RTS Games, LLC

Back in 1996, College Student JuQuan Williams collaborated with a friend to invent a deckbuilding game that was eventually coopted by Hasbro. That achievement sparked an interest in game design that manifested years later, while JuQuan was teaching Magic: The Gathering to  underprivileged youth in afterschool programs. He invented a deckbuilding game based on organized crime, and invited his students to help him playtest and develop it. It was a great experience, but one of his friends who played the game said they wouldn’t feel comfortable letting their children play a game about organized crime.

That sparked the idea to take the game engine and apply it to a more child-friendly environment…like school. JuQuan came up with a new game idea based on evaluating in-school behavior. He brainstormed a few ideas with his niece who was still in elementary school at the time, and hearing her talk about the positive and negative behaviors of the children at her school made JuQuan realize that a game like that could be a good tool for educators and parents to help teach positive behavior and spark conversation about it with their children. 

RTS Games was founded with the intention of introducing not only that game (Rule The School), but also other gaming products that offer fun, interactive ways for individuals to learn and understand accepted behavior in institutions, whether it be school or even in the workplace.